Tuesday, 13 May 2014


I realized I could never devote myself, as a faithful husband, to a women who wasted the prettiest years of her life before she met me.
  1. If you meet your wife when she’s older than around 23 or 24:
  2. You are eating someone else’s cold leftovers, then doing their dishes.
  3. You are showing up to a party after everyone has left and cleaning up after them.
  4. You are getting into a taxi and paying the fare of the person who got out before you.
  5. You are taking the nearly expired milk to the grocery store counter and offering to pay double for it.
  6. You are paying the MSRP sticker price for a used car.
  7. You are letting someone sext with your girl, then paying his phone bill for him.
  8. Your friend has sex with a prostitute, then after he enjoys the fruits you pay the bill and get throw in jail for solicitation.
  9. You are part of a street fight where a guy gets a few good punches in, and the opponent punches YOU for retaliation, not him.
  10. You are paying for someone’s credit card bill full of reckless spending and partying that you never got to enjoy.
  11. You are outbidding everyone on an eBay product by thousands of dollars.
  12. You are trying to unclog somebody else’s clogged toilet.
  13. You are watching somebody shake a hornets nest, then getting stung as he runs away unscathed.
  14. You see someone chug a beer, then drink the bitter teaspoon of ass beer at the bottom of the can.
  15. You are letting someone eat all the creme filling from a box of Oreos, then pay full price for the bland chocolate wafers.
A girl who refuses to get married young is offering a raw deal.  She is vastly overvaluing her product, and undervaluing your time and money.
Marriage only makes sense for a man when a girl’s prime years of beauty and fertility are upfront payment for a lifetime of loving masculine support.  Men rationally know this.
Is it any wonder, then, that as females are delaying marriage longer, they are finding less willing men?
Reblogged from Here

Monday, 12 May 2014


When I was joining college, many people including me were very humble and innocent- just like one of my lecturers Mr. Waweru kept saying that when people joined college, students were and are usually so innocent such that when it comes to ladies, they had/have those very long dresses reaching to the ankles. This is somewhat true since everyone is very enthusiastic to try out their new life and to explore their education and get the best. It is with no doubt that many of us came from the village- me included.
 Very few people come out of college changed in a positive way and this is a fact. Well, to this point, I wish to clarify something, life is personal yes but we have to talk about some things. Within a few weeks so many people start changing their behaviors and of course having made so many ‘friends’. There are two categories of people here; those from the village and urbanites and in one way or another; they want to show where the difference lies.
This urbanite will always want to show the village people that they are ‘so fly’ and they are more informed. In this case, I will use an example of two ladies. The lady from town is busy having some ‘good time’ with their friends in the name of ‘furahia maisha’ (Swahili language meaning ‘enjoy life’).
The Village Girl
The urbanite can never miss paints of ‘colorful’ makeup, fly clothes and generally some good ‘desirable’ life. The urbanite lady goes ahead and gets a sugar daddy since the college boyfriend cannot meet her demands. This is still the kind of lady who will appear only during Continuous Assessment Tests just to leave in five minutes since she has nothing to fill in.

The urbanite can never miss paints of ‘colorful’ makeup, fly clothes and generally some good ‘desirable’ life. 

As this lady is busy doing all this, the ugly ‘village’ girl who wears old-fashioned clothes and does not know how to do her hair lady is busy making up her life by making good friends, doing what is expected of her and of course reading. This ‘village’ girl will always be insulted by the others for not ‘fitting’ in their cartels as you will even hear others saying ‘unachoma picha’ and such crap. With hope, perseverance and self-drive, they both complete school after some time.
Here now, the reality dawns! The urbanite leaves the school with almost three or more abortions, no certificates and it’s the real time for the VILLAGE girl to shine. The village girl has some education, some very good attributes and she is still a WOMAN. Five years later, the village girl is the most beautiful lady all over having achieved her life goals and having a lovely family. On the other hand, the urbanite is almost on her way to commit suicide since she wasted all her time in college and can witness the village girl shining. No one wants to be associated with her and truly, the village girl becomes safe and beautiful, she also becomes friendly and approachable.
Hope you get the difference!!! Get more Here

Wednesday, 7 May 2014


Today is the seventh day of May 2014 and it’s the day we as Africans are celebrating our beautiful women. Today is African women’s day. It’s the most ultimate moment we take to appreciate our women. Africa as a continent has been associated by color black for a very long time and this generally featured in our skin color and therefore this is of no difference as it’s reflected in our beautiful women. You will see their attractive curvy bodies swinging in streets with their sexy hips but what is all this made of? Our women are so special when compared to other women across the world. I generally regard them as #TurfWomen and I will tell you why. African women are the strongest and they remain strong no matter the hard situations that come along their lives. In marriages we see men fleeing and abandoning their wives and these women are left alone to raise the children. In some cases, these women do not have a source of income and will make sure they hustle all the way to make sure their kids do not go hungry even for a single night. Again, we are the kind of a society where we believe men are ‘stronger’ then women and that women should not have a voice especially when it comes to leadership. This is a negative stereotype but it has been proven wrong when a female president was voted in by Central African Republic citizens. This clearly shows that as Africans we are doing away with the stereotype and embracing women’s leadership. In fact, I once read a quote which said; “in politics, if you want anything said, ask a man, if you want anything done, ask a woman”.
African Woman
Women have also been known as the key contributors in family matters when the men are ‘unavailable’. Even as we see our men abandoning the women and getting into alcohol and other condemnable acts, our women go ahead to make sure everything is alright in terms of bread winning and more. Women and African women in this matter have also faced physical torture in many ways for a long time but they still stand strong in condemning this vice. Think of an African woman who is pregnant and has been abandoned by her husband. She has another little kid that keeps crying all the time so it can’t be left at home. This expectant African woman will carry the small kid at the back and go to fetch water or firewood which will be placed on the head. Isn’t this a true spirit of our women? That no matter what, life must continue. Indeed it is. I take this opportunity to thank and appreciate all African women since for a long time; they have shown us and proved to us what they can do and what they are made of. They are simply our gold and we value them. For sure, they are stronger than we men and that’s a fact. As Saidi Lulu, a radio presenter in one of the local station said, “An African Woman Is More Than a Big Butt”

Monday, 5 May 2014


I have been keeping quiet on this but today I’ve got to say it. #Tujuane was the first reality dating show to air on a Kenyan television. For a very long time we have seen dates turning out nasty especially for that lady who never does fries. This was not until the other television competitor introduced another reality dating show “Are You My Type”. In fact, Tujuane is far much better comparing to its rival because it gives the love seekers an outdoor environment which is very ideal for dating anyway. Here is why Tujuane has lost it for a very long time- almost since it started. When it comes to blind dating, this is a moment when someone meets a total stranger for the first time but there are very few people who have met their ideal people and this is a fact. At times you will see others saying; I would not like to meet him/her again. The main cause of this is lack a matching criteria to connect the love seekers. You for example meet a guy who is 23 years old and the lady is 30, surely, the first thing that makes the lady lose the interest is the age gap. Two, some people on Tujuane are very unserious- this is because you’ll hear some saying that they have come on the date for fun. Others come on the date with some ‘attitudes’ towards the others simply because they are not of their class. This is quite illustrated in episode 13 where I see the guy is almost 30years and wants to settle down soon and he meets a 22year old lady who wants to hear nothing close to settling down anytime soon. My suggestion is that there should be a mechanism to match the love seekers.
This can be enhanced by making their website www.tujuane.tv functional such that when one visits the website and indeed logs in they can fill their details e.g. Information about themselves and the details/expectations of whom they would like to meet. One could fill the age bracket they want, skin color, height, social class*(if really necessary) and such.
This will indeed help love seekers to meet their ‘ideal’ partner since it can direct a more open dating arena.
When Tujuane receives details of different people they should try to match the love seekers who are meeting. This in one way or the other will not be a waste of time since at least one meets someone they already like in a way. For example a guy who submits details of a lady of her expectations which is; short, dark lady who should be aged between 22-24 and is at least matched with a lady with some of the qualities, then we can be sure that something awesome can happen out of the date. Again, the mechanism used by Tujuane to get the ‘clients’ is through Facebook which without any doubt is mostly having a lot of jokers and generally unserious people. I would suggest they should introduce another ‘serious’ mechanism e.g. an email of recruiting who should go on the date or not. Let us not have the show just to attract a good number of audiences without really considering the main theme of the whole thing. Let it be a benefit to the Media Company and the love seekers too. I truly believe that if this is taken to point, we will not see these embarrassing moments again. *Class- you can remember what happened to the date with the ‘director of photography’ and the ‘diva’ who never does fries. The guy was simply not of her class. Correct me if I am wrong please and add your views on the comment box.