Tuesday, 4 March 2014


Lately, Safaricom and Airtel bought yuMobile. Safaricom bought all the infrastructures and employees whereas Airtel bought the 2.7 million yu customers and actually taking the prefix 075…. In that deal, Safaricom is the one which is going to gain reason being, for buying the infrastructure means it wants to improve its technical platforms. 

 On the other hand, Airtel seems to be so excited to get the yu customers but trust me, all those customers may eventually shift to Safaricom. I have been with Airtel for two years and their  problem is only one; the quality of their services. The services are just poor. For example, take Zawadi loyalty program, it is from time to time under upgrade of which they upgrade nothing.

 If Airtel is not careful, they are going to lose it in this tech industry just like yu. Questions still run in peoples minds why yu had many free offers yet people never liked it; the answer is clear, quality of service delivey, period! I never mind paying costly to  be with Safaricom because the services are up to the stardard of the cost.

1 comment:

  1. or the infrastructure and subscribers it seems like a fair deal but i wouldn't pay that much. Yu was meant to fail anyways.
