Monday, 24 February 2014


When we grew up, you can be pretty sure that your mum or dad kept telling you of the lines you should never cross and that’s true indeed! Can you remember of that stupid moment you went to your neighbor  to eat lunch or spend some time there with the boys, when you came back, how did your mum react? I bet you don’t want to remember that thorough beating!!!
It’s so true that the foundation of a kid is layed when they are at a very young and tender age! Even the bible says that teach your child the very good ways and they will never part from them even when they are old.

Life is how one wants to it to be and no one takes it for you. I totally believe that whoever YOU ARE today is a total composition of how you were brought up and how you have chosen to live. I too believe that you are the one who choose what to and what not to have in your life!
                What makes me happy is to understand that each and every person is fully responsible over what happens in your life after all, you are not responsible for who knocks at your door but you are responsible for whom you let in, live your life!

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